When I was new to a program called LMMS, the smoothness of the notes weren't exactly all that great. I recently learned how to choose instruments/oscillators, mix with effect channels and master better, but this has nothing to do with my technical skill.
Anyhow, all I tried to say was I'll try to ignore the technical stuff and go straight into what I think of the track. I can see you're good at making ska music, it has that feel to it.
The piano feels a little wrong in places. The melody at around halfway is a little strange. The drums fit in with the song, but the chosen instruments aren't really making it very easy.
There is little dynamic variation, or any panning (which is why I really like digital music. In the older times, panning and volume were difficult to manipulate) which took a mark. The song's putting together is well progressed though, and it's solid for a track.
In summary, if you improve your mixing/mastering skill, choose the right instruments, take the time to listen back to your music and fix minor inconsistencies, doing as much as you can, you'll have a nice track. I see a huge room for improvement, and I hope I wasn't too biased (I'm not really for ska/ punk music). Thanks for making this music for all of us!